

A common sleep issue known as insomnia can make it difficult to get asleep, keep asleep, or lead you to wake up too early and have trouble falling back asleep. When you wake up, you could still feel worn out. Your health, productivity at work, and quality of life can all be negatively impacted by insomnia in addition to your energy level and mood.

Individual needs for sleep vary, but most individuals need seven to eight hours per night.

Many individuals eventually go through short-term (acute) insomnia, which can endure for days or weeks. Typically, stress or a traumatic incident is the cause. However, some persons experience persistent long-term insomnia that lasts for a month or longer. The main issue can be insomnia, or it might be brought on by other illnesses or drugs.

You are not required to endure sleepless nights. Often, making small daily habit modifications can be really beneficial.


Some signs of insomnia include:

  • Difficulty sleeping at night
  • Having a nighttime awakening
  • Too early of an awakening
  • Having trouble recovering from a night’s sleep
  • Daytime drowsiness or fatigue
  • Anger, sadness, or irritability
  • Inability to concentrate, pay attention, or remember
  • Increased mistakes or mishaps
  • Persistent concerns about sleep


The main issue can be insomnia, or it might be a symptom of other diseases.

Chronic insomnia is frequently brought on by stress, traumatic experiences, or sleep-disturbing habits. Insomnia can be cured by attending to the underlying cause, but it occasionally persists for years.

Chronic insomnia has a variety of causes, including:

Stress. Your mind may remain active at night due to worries about your family, job, health, finances, or other factors, making it difficult to fall asleep. Insomnia can also be brought on by traumatic or stressful life events like divorce, losing your job, losing a loved one to death or disease.

Travel or professional commitments. Your circadian rhythms serve as an internal clock, regulating your body’s temperature, metabolism, and sleep-wake cycle. Insomnia can result from a disruption of your body’s circadian rhythms. Jet lag from crossing time zones, working a late or early job, or often switching shifts are some of the causes.

Bad sleeping patterns. An erratic bedtime schedule, naps, stimulating activities right before bed, an uncomfortable sleeping environment, and using your bed for work, eating, or watching TV are all examples of poor sleep habits. Your sleep cycle might be disrupted by using computers, TVs, video games, smartphones, or other devices right before bed.

Eating excessively late at night. A small snack before bed is acceptable, but if you consume too much, you can feel physically uncomfortable when you lie down. Heartburn, or the reflux of acid and food into the oesophagus after eating, is another common condition that might keep you awake.

Other factors that may contribute to chronic insomnia include illnesses or drug usage. The medical problem may be treated, which could lead to better sleep, but the insomnia may still exist.

Other typical reasons for insomnia include:

Mental health conditions. Your sleep may be disturbed by anxiety disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder. An early awakening could indicate depression. Along with other mental health conditions, insomnia is frequently present.

Medications. Numerous prescription drugs, including some antidepressants and treatments for asthma or high blood pressure, can disrupt sleep. Numerous over-the-counter medicines, including some pain relievers, allergy and cold remedies, and weight-loss drugs, contain stimulants like caffeine that might keep you awake.

Ailment conditions. Chronic pain, cancer, diabetes, heart illness, asthma, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), an overactive thyroid, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease are a few disorders that have been linked to sleeplessness.

Problems relating to sleep. Your breathing stops periodically during the course of the night if you have sleep apnea, which disrupts your sleep. Your legs may experience uncomfortable sensations and an almost insatiable want to move as a result of restless legs syndrome, which may keep you from falling asleep.

Alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine. Stimulants include caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea, cola, and others. If you consume them in the late afternoon or evening, you can have trouble going to sleep at night. Another stimulant that might disrupt sleep is nicotine, which is present in tobacco products. Alcohol may aid in your ability to fall asleep, but it prevents deeper sleep and frequently results in nighttime awakenings.

Ageing and insomnia

With ageing, insomnia becomes more prevalent. As you age, you could go through:

Modifications to sleep habits. As you become older, sleep often becomes less restful, making it more likely that noise or other environmental changes will wake you up. As you get older, your internal clock tends to advance, which causes you to fall asleep earlier and wake up earlier. However, in general, elderly individuals still require the same amount of sleep as younger people.

Alterations in activity. You might engage in less exercise or socialising. Sleeping soundly might be hampered by a lack of activity. Additionally, taking a daily nap may be more likely if you are less active, which may interfere with your ability to sleep at night.

Alterations to health. Sleep disturbances can result from chronic pain brought on by illnesses like arthritis or back issues, as well as from melancholy or worry. Sleep can be disturbed by conditions like prostate or bladder problems that make it more necessary to urinate at night. With ageing, sleep apnea and restless legs syndrome are more prevalent.

Additional medicines. Older adults tend to use prescription pharmaceuticals more frequently than younger ones, which raises the risk of sleeplessness brought on by prescriptions.

Teenage and kid insomnia

Children and teenagers may experience sleep issues as well. However, because their internal clocks are more advanced, some kids and teenagers just struggle to go asleep or reject a regular bedtime. They desire later bedtimes and longer morning naps.


Sound sleep can be encouraged and insomnia can be avoided with good sleep habits:

  • Keep your wake-up and bedtime schedules the same every day, even on the weekends.
  • Keep moving; regular movement encourages restful sleep.
  • Examine your prescriptions to discover if any of them might be causing your insomnia.
  • Limit or avoid napping.
  • Avoid or consume alcohol and nicotine in moderation.
  • Avoid consuming a lot of food or liquids right before bed.
  • Only use your bedroom for sleeping or having sex. Make it pleasant.
  • Establish a soothing nighttime routine that includes activities like a warm bath, reading, or listening to calm music.